
A simple countdown program that tells you the number of days, hours, and minutes until a certain date

    My First Python Project

    For my first Python* project, I decided to create a simple program that executes a fairly essential function in my life: telling me the amount of time until a particular event in the future, which allows me to countdown the days, hours, and even minutes! Some of the smaller details I paid attention to were:

  • Ability to assign a custom time and name to the event
  • Making sure that a custom time of 00:00 would not be accepted
  • Making sure the time and name fields were optional
  • Allowing users to confirm their inputs
  • Ability to restart the program with a new date at the end
  • Different wording for dates in the past

Check out this project here!

*This project was developed after learning to code in Python through a Udemy course linked here.

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